perm filename MEMO[RDG,DBL] blob sn#536253 filedate 1980-09-17 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Mailed to SUE@SCI 12:05 8-Sept
C00009 00003	Mailed to Steve 17:41 10-Sept
C00010 ENDMK
Mailed to SUE@SCI 12:05 8-Sept
I've a favor to ask: 
	I'm still trying to get that RLL memo out, and am now desparately trying
to get some feedback on the draft. Did Tom leave a copy there? 
(If not, I could forward an up+to-date version.)
Would you have time to peruse it; and indicate which parts seemed out of place,
and/or hard to understand?  Is there some time we could meet, to discuss it?
[If you're busy, please feel free to disregard this request.]
	Thanks much.

I see you're on the net now as SCI. How long has this been the case?
Also, when is Tom due back from Alaska?

∂08-Sep-80  1243	SUE at SCI-ICS 	Favor    
Date: Monday, 8 September 1980  12:36-PDT
From: SUE at SCI-ICS
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
Subject: Favor

Always willing to read drafts!  Tom is back about the 13th.  We've
been on the net since March or April.  The draft of the paper i have  
is dated 30 June.  Do you want to wait until Tom gets back to talk
about the paper?  I can re-read it now and talk to you before then if
that's helpful?


Mailed to SUE 13:11 8-Sept
My, that was fast! Speaking of speed, I'd like to send the memo to
the printer by the end of this week -- so Tom'll have to wait 'til the next 
release to get his $0.02 in.  I'll try to find a courier, to get a more 
current version (ca Aug 1980) to you by tommorrow.
Appendices C & D can be ignored - the first 30ish pages are the 
(hopefully) more interesting part.
	If anyone else in those parts is interested, please solicit
their (his?) comments as well.
	Thanks again.

∂09-Sep-80  0837	SUE at SCI-ICS 	Courier  
Date: Tuesday, 9 September 1980  08:28-PDT
From: SUE at SCI-ICS
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
Subject: Courier

Steve Tappel should be coming by SCI on Wed if you can't find anyone
to bring your paper over.  If you can't find anyone, i need to go over
to stanford some time this week anyway, so i can pick it up...


Mailed to SUE 12:06 9-Sept
	I personally brought a copy over there yesterday about 3:30PM.
As you weren't in, I left it with the secretary at the main desk. Did
you eventually get it?

∂09-Sep-80  1845	SUE at SCI-ICS 	rll paper
Date: 9 September 1980  18:27-PDT (Tuesday)
From: SUE at SCI-ICS
To: rdg@sail
Subject: rll paper

Well, i finally tracked your paper down.  Will read it by tomorrow.


Mailed to SUE 12:35 10-Sept
Sue - I'm glad you and it finally connected.  Turns out I'll be forced to
wait until Monday to get comments from two other people, so the great
"gotta have it back by Friday" rush is off. Of course, I'd still like
comments/criticisms/... ASAP, but there's now no need to bend-over-backwards
to get it read in one night. Go ahead and take the whole week-end if you like
(magnanimous, aren't I?).
	Let me know when you'll be ready to discuss it.
Thanks again, 

∂15-Sep-80  0747	SUE at SCI-ICS 	finished.     
Date: 15 September 1980  07:46-PDT (Monday)
From: SUE at SCI-ICS
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
Subject: finished.  

I've finished reading the paper.  What next?  Should i send my
comments or come and visit you?


Mailed to SUE 11:15 15-Sept
	7:47 AM! I am impressed! 
I would prefer to talk about the memo face to face,
if that would be possible (i.e. using the highest
bandwidth for communication I know).
When would be a good time for you? 
(I could go there, if that would make things easier...)
	Thanks again for your help.

∂15-Sep-80  1139	SUE at SCI-ICS 	Whenever, where-ever, ...    
Date: 15 September 1980  11:24-PDT (Monday)
From: SUE at SCI-ICS
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
Subject: Whenever, where-ever, ...    

Tom's back and would like to read the paper and talk to you also.  
Could you come here around 4?  


Mailed to Steve 17:41 10-Sept
Steve -
Thanks much for reading thru that neo-natal memo, especially on such
short notice! I'll start incorporating changes next Monday.